Monday, October 18, 2010


I took a "I am pissed off" hiatus because they disabled my adsense for NO RAISIN.

I think I will continue to blog, though.

I made some shit in Paint.Net, but then when I downloaded my actual software for my tablet, the sensitivity got all fucking crazy, so I can't use Paint.Net right now till I figure things out.

Here is something I made before the sensitivity borked:

Alright, bye for now. I need better things to talk about.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Sorry I haven't been blogging recently. I have been super busy with writing a half-assed paper that  is due tomorrow morning. I'm going to make something special soon for everyone because I have 50 followers and I find that pretty awesome (even though only 4 or 5 people actually read this).

 Here's my most beloved anime character! If you can guess what....he's from, then I'll give you a delicious, juicy, raw steak. If I have one.

(I don't.)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why am I such a pushover?

 Alright, so:
  My roommate thought it would be a cool idea to bring a guy over, and every minute I was "asleep" she would have sex with him. Problem: our beds aren't even two feet apart. Problem: they didn't even wait five minutes after I turned my laptop off to start doing it. Problem: they were fucking while I was trying to sleep two feet away. Problem: I was too pussy to tell them to stop. I just layed there and tried to push it out of my head until I couldn't take it anymore and just left.

  I just spent about ten minutes crying in the bathroom because I'm a pushover, and pushovers don't get anywhere in life. I am exhausted and want to go back to sleep, but I'm afraid they'll start having sex again. My friends are like"lol just tell them to stop" but that seems easier said than done.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

monetize me, cap'n!

my foot enlarged times ten

just for you, lolwizard.


I am contemplating making this the ringtone for my phone. Actually, no. I'm going to download it right now and make it my ringtone.

       So, I am super fucking stoked for my boyfriend to get here. He is from Reno, and I met him from the internet. He came to visit me for a week at the beginning of this year, and then I went to stay with him in Reno for two months. Separating both times was really sad. He recently went to Canada to visit his dad and get a job. He got a job within days of being in Canada, whereas in Reno he was incapable of finding one. In other words, don't go to Nevada if you are looking for a job, unless you are going to be a stripper or hooker in Las Vegas.
      Anyways, he is extremely closer to me than he was in Reno, and as soon as he saves up he is going to come visit again, and then potentially move closer to me. It's really exciting. But let me tell you, long distance relationships are far from easy. Sometimes they are really hard. It sucks not being able to hug (or touch in any manner) your significant other.
      If you're thinking "Wow, how shallow. Obviously the emotional aspect is more important than the physical one." Well.... no. They go hand in hand, really. And emotions are shown through physical interaction/contact, so that makes the physical aspect even more important.

blahblahblah comment if you have questions or would like to make fun of me or would like to give me money.

professional portraits

more later. sleep now.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


i like drawing them. they are always around to look at when i need something to draw. ha.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I made a video of me doing this:

It was a minute or so long, and I just sat there listening to shitty weeaboo music. I made it for my friend. I was going to upload it for "lulz" or whateverthefuck you would like to call it, but among my internet friends I was deemed a camwhore, man, and retard. So, I just leave you with this simple picture.

I slept in today and missed my Chinese class. [Yo dawg, I speak Chinese. If you speak Chinese, I think it would be cool if we spoke Chinese together. So holler@me.] But anywho, I slept for 15 hours straight, and I wasn't even that tired when I went to bed. I think I might be dying or diseased.

I wish to purchase a Guymelef figurine online. Or maybe an Eva. If you own one and you bought it for cheap on a trustworthy website, then please let me know. I have 40 bucks to blow, and I would like to blow it on said things.

I think I may or may not start uploading drawings to my blog for honest critiques. Maybe.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


if you don't like this sound, then you are a LOSER.

costume update

Alright, so: I got my wig, and spray painted it. That made it very clumpy, but since I brushed it out for 20 minutes, it looks a lot better than it did. I have my pants, and my shirt, which I'm going to fix (I am incapable of cutting straight lines). I always think wigs look silly, but maybe i'm just shy about it or something. Here is a tiny picture.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

casinos for kids

My friend took me to Dave & Buster's tonight. We won a shitton of tickets from a haunted house game, and she let me use our tickets so I could get SoulSilver. So far, I have acquired my CYNDAQUIL (fuck Chikorita/totodile is okay) and named him Gonorrhea. I stopped playing so we (my friend and I) could take family (except not really family) photos with her her professional backdrop and etc. I will probably upload a few in another post, because they are PRETTY funny, imho. Tomorrow we are going shopping to get our costume suppries, and then I have to go back home. As in my college campus.

I'm going to go watch Beauty & The Beast now, and sing along to every fucking song and not give a FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.


Halloween is coming up, and this is who I'm going to be:
Leeloo. Multipass.
 I already have the gold pants, and I think that's a helluva start. It makes me sad that I am too old to trick or treat, anymore. I think I will attempt to do it, anyways. Fuck them haters, because they will continue to hate.

I am addicted to Mahjong. 

What is YOUR favorite board game?

Friday, September 24, 2010

eating grapes




I have not gone to bed yet. Yes, since yesterday. I have been up since yesterday and yet I am no longer tired. Except I sort of am.